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Baston C of E Primary School

Baston C of E Primary School



At Baston C of E Primary School we have adopted a mastery approach to the teaching and learning of mathematics with the aim of developing confident, resilient and articulate mathematicians. We believe that all pupils can achieve in mathematics.

Mathematics is a continual journey of exploration, mathematical reasoning, practice and application over time. At each stage of learning, using the mastery approach, children should be able to demonstrate a deep, conceptual understanding of the topic and be able to build on this over time, constantly making connections to prior learning. Children will develop their cultural capital through asking questions; making decisions and solving problems; being solution-focused and employing lateral thinking.

By building a character of resilience, they will recognise how to deepen their own learning and how to persevere when tackling complex and challenging problems within the mathematics curriculum. 



To develop a deep understanding of each mathematical concept, new content is introduced through a sequence of progressive, small steps. We choose to implement the White Rose schemes of learning across the school and all children have an hour-long daily maths lesson.

The use of the CPA (concrete, pictorial and abstract) approach across all year groups begins with the use of concrete resources, encouraging children to explore a concept in different representations before moving onto pictorial forms. We believe that it is through these stages that children are led to develop a secure understanding of a concept to prepare them for more abstract, written methods.

Lessons in mathematics include opportunities for problem solving throughout the week with a focus on developing reasoning skills through meaningful maths talk, ensuring learners of differing abilities have the scaffolding and challenge to enable them to achieve.

The development of number sense and quick recall is also promoted through the teaching of fluency. Sequential and progressive planning ensures key concepts are revisited and built upon across the school.  We subscribe to the Times Tables Rock Stars online programme, which encourages all children from Y2 upwards to master the multiplication tables and corresponding division facts.



A mathematician at Baston CE Primary School will be able to:

  • recall facts and procedures quickly and accurately
  • show their understanding of different representations
  • recognise relationships and make connections in Mathematics and confidently explain their reasoning
  • apply new and prior knowledge,
  • and show resilience when tackling complex and unfamiliar problems

Impact will be further monitored by Curriculum Teams, SLT and the governing body through termly, whole school pupil progress checks and subject scrutiny.


White Rose Parent Resources

Please follow CLICK HERE to see the units of work taught at each point of the year alongside helpful short videos showing you clearly and simply how to help your child with each concept.