The Baston CE Primary School curriculum is designed with a commitment to academic excellence, aiming to ensure that our students receive a high-quality education that not only meets the National Curriculum expectations but also integrates Christian values into all subjects, fostering critical thinking and a genuine love for learning. We place a strong emphasis on nurturing the spiritual and academic growth of our students, aiming to provide opportunities for them to deepen their faith and develop a personal relationship with God and instill moral and ethical values firmly rooted in Christian teachings. Furthermore, we strive to pursue character development, aiming to mold well-rounded individuals who embody traits like empathy, respect, resilience, and responsibility. Together, these intentions create a well-rounded educational experience that equips our students not only with academic knowledge but also with strong values and a deep sense of spirituality.
All pupils from EYFS to Year 6 work towards the EYFS Framework/National Curriculum 2016 objectives and study the following subjects:
- English: Read Write Inc. phonics scheme. VIPERS for reading. Writing scheme - Literacy Tree.
- Maths: Scheme of work - White Rose Maths
- Science: Scheme of work - Kapow.
- History: Scheme of work - Kapow.
- Geography: Scheme of work - Kapow.
- PE: Scheme of work – Get Set.
- PHSE: Scheme of work - Kapow.
- Music: Scheme of work – Kapow.
- Art: Scheme of work – Kapow.
- DT: Scheme of work – Kapow.
- Computing: Scheme of work - Kapow.
- MfL: National Curriculum 2016. In-house coverage French and Spanish.
- RE: Scheme of work – Lincolnshire Agreed Syllabus and Understanding Christianity.
We use the schemes of work provided to support the teaching of this subjects alongside our Teaching and Learning Policy.
For further information about what your child will be learning, please view our long term plans below.